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博士 硕士生导师

男,汉族,籍贯重庆綦江,中共党员,博士,硕导。学科专业:肾内科;研究方向:肾脏病、自身免疫病。联系方式:座机:05546621020  QQ:64918771。地址邮编:安徽省淮南市泰丰大街168号医学部,232001;电子邮箱daiyong22@aust.edu.cn 。俄罗斯工程院院士(外籍),肾内科主任医师、内科学教授、生物医学工程研究员,博士研究生导师。广东省A类人才。2017年度国家科技进步奖二等奖获得者,爱思唯尔2020和2021年中国高被引学者之一,连续三年入列全球顶尖科学家,2022年本专业领域最活跃5位学者之一。岭南名医。1983 年和1992 年毕业于同济医科大学和中山医科大学,获医学博士学位。2002-2003 在德国爱尔兰根大学(Erlangen-Nuremberg university)作为访问学者和博士后工作和学习。现任安徽理工大学特聘教授、医学部执行主任,暨南大学教授、博士研究生导师,南方科技大学教授、博士研究生导师,美国贝勒盛威医疗集团和德州农工大学医学院访问教授。先后受聘华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院肾内科兼职教授、博士研究生导师;重庆医科大学医学检验系兼职教授、博士研究生导师。承担和完成各级研究课题82项;获国家授权发明专利32项;在国内外发表论文796篇,其中被SCI收录论文291篇,总引用次数超过6695次,单篇引用最高454次,H指数38。主编或者参与编写专著9部,其中4部国外专著;获科研成果奖28项,其中获国家科技进步二等奖1项,省部级科研成果奖14项。  



籍贯重庆綦江中共党员博士硕导。学科专业肾内科研究方向肾脏病、自身免疫病联系方式座机:05546621020  QQ64918771地址邮编安徽省淮南市泰丰大街168号医学部,232001电子邮箱daiyong22@aust.edu.cn 俄罗斯工程院院士(外籍),肾内科主任医师、内科学教授、生物医学工程研究员,博士研究生导师。广东省A类人才。2017年度国家科技进步奖二等奖获得者,爱思唯尔20202021年中国高被引学者之一,连续三年入列全球顶尖科学家,2022年本专业领域最活跃5位学者之一。岭南名医。1983 年和1992 年毕业于同济医科大学和中山医科大学,获医学博士学位。2002-2003 在德国爱尔兰根大学(Erlangen-Nuremberg university)作为访问学者和博士后工作和学习。现任安徽理工大学特聘教授、医学部执行主任,暨南大学教授、博士研究生导师,南方科技大学教授、博士研究生导师,美国贝勒盛威医疗集团和德州农工大学医学院访问教授。先后受聘华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院肾内科兼职教授、博士研究生导师;重庆医科大学医学检验系兼职教授、博士研究生导师。承担和完成各级研究课题82项;获国家授权发明专利32项;在国内外发表论文796篇,其中被SCI收录论文291篇,总引用次数超过6695次,单篇引用最高454次,H指数38。主编或者参与编写专著9部,其中4部国外专著;获科研成果奖28项,其中获国家科技进步二等奖1项,省部级科研成果奖14项。















[1]Yixi Li, Donge Tang*, Lianghong Yin*, Yong Dai*. New insights for regulatory T cell in lupus nephritis[J]. Autoimmun Rev. 2022, 21(8):103134.

[2]Cantong Zhang, Liancheng Lin, Donge Tang, Fuju Liu, Meng Li, Qiongying Li, Zhaoxiang Deng, Guohai Chu, Dayong Gu*, Yong Dai*. Antibody responses to SARSCoV2 in healthy individuals returning to Shenzhen[J]. Journal of Medical Virology. 2021, 93 (2): 1154-1157.

[3]Cantong Zhang, Shaoying Huang, Fengping Zheng, Yong Dai*. Controversial treatments: an updated understanding of the coronavirus disease 2019[J]. Journal of medical virology. 2020, 92 (9): 1441-1448.

[4]Honglei Wang, Wujian Peng, Xin Ouyang, Wuxian Li, Yong Dai*. Circulating microRNAs as candidate biomarkers in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Translational Research 2012, 160 (3): 198-206.

[5]Weiguo Sui#, Xianliang Hou#, Wenti Che, Jiejing Chen, Minglin Ou, Wen Xue, Yong Dai*. Hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for severe and refractory systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Clinical Immunology 2013, 148 (2): 186-197.

[6]Weiguo Sui, Q Yan, SP Xie, HZ Chen, D Li, CX Hu, Wujian Peng, Yong Dai*. Successful Organ Donation From Brain Dead Donors in a Chinese Organ Transplantation Center[J]. American Journal of Transplantation 2011, 11 (10): 2247-2249.

[7]Haiyan Yu#, Xiaoping Hong#, Hongwei Wu, Fengping Zheng, Zhipeng Zeng, Weier Dai, Lianghong Yin, Dongzhou Liu*, Donge Tang*, Yong Dai*. The Chromatin Accessibility Landscape of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus at Single-Cell Resolution[J]. Frontiers in immunology 2021, 12: 641886-641886 .

[8]Jingquan He, Chiyu Ma, Donge Tang, Shaoyun Zhong, Xiaofang Yuan, Fengping Zheng, Zhipeng Zeng, Yumei Chen, Dongzhou Liu, Xiaoping Hong, Weier Dai, Lianghong Yin, Yong Dai*. Absolute quantification and characterization of oxylipins in lupus nephritis and systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Front Immunol. 2022, 13:964901.

[9]Zongchao Yu#, Xiaoping Hong#, Xiaoli Zhang#, Fengping Zheng, Fanna Liu, Huixuan Xu, Chengxin Zhu, Wanxia Cai, Dongzhou Liu, Lianghong Yin, Bo Hu*, Donge Tang*, Yong Dai*. Global Proteomic Analyses Reveals Abnormal Immune Regulation in Patients With New Onset Ankylosing Spondylitis[J]. Front Immunol.2022 ,13:838891.

[10]Hongwei Wu#, Jingjing Dong#, Haiyan Yu,Kang Wang,Weier Dai,Xinzhou Zhang,Nan Hu, Lianghong Yin, Donge Tang*,Fanna Liu*, Yong Dai*. Single-Cell RNA and ATAC Sequencing Reveal Hemodialysis-Related Immune Dysregulation of Circulating Immune Cell Subpopulations[J]. Front Immunol. 2022, 13:878226.

[11]Yafang Zhong#, Wei Zhang#, Xiaoping Hong, Zhipeng Zeng, Yumei Chen, Shengyou Liao, Wanxia Cai, Yong Xu, Gang Wang, Dongzhou Liu*, Donge Tang*, Yong Dai*. Screening Biomarkers for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Based on Machine Learning and Exploring Their Expression Correlations With the Ratios of Various Immune Cells[J]. Front Immunol. 2022, 13:873787.

[12]Huixuan Xu, Haiyan Yu, Lixiong Liu, Hongwei Wu, Cantong Zhang, Wanxia Cai,Xiaoping Hong, Dongzhou Liu *, Donge Tang *Yong Dai*. Integrative Single-Cell RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq Analysis of Peripheral Mononuclear Cells in Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis[J]. Front Immunol. 2021,12:760381.

[13]Jingquan He, Tianlong Chan, Xiaoping Hong, Fengping Zheng, Chengxin Zhu, Lianghong Yin, Weier Dai, Donge Tang*, Dongzhou Liu*, Yong Dai*. Microbiome and Metabolome Analyses Reveal the Disruption of Lipid Metabolism in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus[J]. Frontiers in immunology 2020, 11:1703.

[14]Xiaoping Hong#, Shuhui Meng#, Donge Tang, Tingting Wang, Liping Ding, Haiyan Yu, Heng Li, Dongzhou Liu, Yong Dai*, Min Yang*. Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals the Expansion of Cytotoxic CD4+ T Lymphocytes and a Landscape of Immune Cells in Primary Sjögrens Syndrome[J]. Front Immunol. 2021, 11: 3688.

[15]Yixi Li, Chiyu Ma, Shengyou Liao, Suwen Qi, Shuhui Meng, Wanxia Cai, Weier Dai, Rui Cao, Xiangnan Dong, Bernhard K Krämer, Chen Yun, Berthold Hocher, Xiaoping Hong, Dongzhou Liu, Donge Tang*, Jingquan He*, Lianghong Yin*, Yong Dai*. Combined proteomics and single cell RNA-sequencing analysis to identify biomarkers of disease diagnosis and disease exacerbation for systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Front Immunol. 2022, 13:969509.

[16]Wencong Song, Jie Qiu, Lianghong Yin, Xiaoping Hong, Weier Dai, Donge Tang*, Dongzhou Liu*, Yong Dai*. Integrated analysis of competing endogenous RNA networks in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Journal of translational medicine. 2021, 19 (1): 1-15.

[17]Yongping Lu#, Zepu Zhang#, Hongwei Wu#, Lijing Fang, Bo Hu, Chun Tang, Yiqing Zhang,,Lianghong Yin, Donge Tang, Zhihua Zheng*, Ting Zhu*, Yong Dai*. SGLT2 inhibitors improve kidney function and morphology by regulating renal metabolic reprogramming in mice with diabetic kidney disease[J]. J Transl Med. 2022, 14;20(1):420.

[18]Shuhui Meng, Teng Li, Tingting Wang, Dandan Li, Jieping Chen, Heng Li, Wanxia Cai, Zhipeng Zeng, Dongzhou Liu, Donge Tang*, Xiaoping Hong*, Yong Dai*. Global Phosphoproteomics Unveils Kinase-Regulated Networks in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus[J]. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2022, 21(12):100434.

[19]Ting Luo#, Fengping Zheng#, Kang Wang, Yong Xu, Huixuan Xu, Wenxi Shen, Chengxin Zhu,Xinzhou Zhang, Weiguo Sui, Donge Tang*, Lianghong Yin*,Yong Dai*. A single-cell map for the transcriptomic signatures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in end-stage renal disease[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021,36(4):599-608.

[20]Yongping Lu, Hongwei Wu, Ting Zhu, Xitong Li, Jiao Zuo, Ahmed A Hasan, Christoph Reichetzeder, Denis Delic, Benito Yard, Thomas Klein, Bernhard K Krämer, Zeyu Zhang, Xiaohua Wang, Lianghong Yin, Yong Dai*, Zhihua Zheng*, Berthold Hocher*. Empagliflozin reduces kidney fibrosis and improves kidney function by alternative macrophage activation in rats with 5/6-nephrectomy[J]. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022,156:113947.

[21]Hongwei Wu#, Donge Tang#, Manhua Yun, Haiping Liu, Shaoxing Huang, Chen Yun, Berthold Hocher, Xinzhou Zhang, Fanna Liu*, Lianghong Yin*, Yong Dai*. Metabolic Dysfunctions of Intestinal Fatty Acids and Tryptophan Reveal Immuno-Inflammatory Response Activation in IgA Nephropathy[J]. Front Med (Lausanne).2022 Feb 3;9:811526.

[22]Xianliang Hou#, Xiaoping Hong#, Minglin Ou#, Shuhui Meng, Tingting Wang, Shengyou Liao, Jingquan He, Haiyan Yu, Lixiong Liu, Lianghong Yin, Dongzhou Liu*, Donge Tang*, Yong Dai*. Analysis of Gene Expression and TCR/B Cell Receptor Profiling of Immune Cells in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome by Single-Cell Sequencing[J]. J Immunol. 2022, 209(2):238-249.

[23]Jiayi Liu, Yu Shangguan, Donge Tang*, Yong Dai*. Histone succinylation and its function on the nucleosome[J]. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2021, 25 (15): 7101-7109.

[24]Fengping Zheng, Huixuan Xu, Cantong Zhang, Xiaoping Hong, Dongzhou Liu, Donge Tang*, Zuying Xiong*, Yong Dai*. Immune cell and TCR/BCR repertoire profiling in systemic lupus erythematosus patients by single-cell sequencing[J]. Aging (Albany NY). 2021,13(21):24432-24448.

[25]Yumei Chen, Chiyu Ma, Lixiong Liu, Jingquan He, Chengxin Zhu, Fengping Zheng,Weier Dai, Xiaoping Hong, Dongzhou Liu*, Donge Tang*, Yong Dai*. Analysis of gut microbiota and metabolites in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and identification of potential biomarkers[J]. Aging (Albany NY). 2021,13(20):23689-23701.

[26]Shaoying Huang, Fengping Zheng, Hua Lin, Xianqing Zhou, Huixuan Xu, Cantong Zhang, Weier Dai, Berthold Hocher, Xinzhou Zhang*, Donge Tang*,Yong Dai*. Quantitative proteomics analysis of lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation in IgA nephropathy[J]. Clin Proteomics. 2021, 18(1):7.

[27]Wencong Song, Donge Tang, Deheng Chen, Fengping Zheng, Shaoying Huang, Yong Xu, Haiyan Yu, Jingquan He, Xiaoping Hong, Lianghong Yin, Dongzhou Liu*, Weier Dai*, Yong Dai*. Advances in applying of multi-omics approaches in the research of systemic lupus erythematosus: Summarization of biomarkers from different omics, and discussion of challenges and advances in integrative analysis of multi-omics in SLE studies[J]. International reviews of immunology 2020, 39 (4): 163-173.
